1. Between Plus 订阅
- 按用户购买的产品,1个月、6个月、1年定期自动购买。
- 购买就先免费试用7天,这期间内不会发生支付。
- 免费试用期间内没有取消订阅,就自动开始付费订阅。
- 如果您不想使用付费服务,请在免费试用期间内取消订阅。
- 取消订阅后剩下的订阅有效期内可以正常使用功能。
- 只能在购买服务产品的应用商店负责管理订阅。
2. Between Plus '情侣永久券'
- There is no 7-day free trial, and payment will occur immediately after your purchase.
- This product can only be used with the other party you are connected to.
- You can continue to use the 'Couple Lifetime Plan' only if you reconnect with the person within the recovery period.
- When restoring period is over, your existing data will be deleted, and 'Couple Lifetime Plan' will be extincted too.
- If the buyer or counterparty creates a new account and initiates a new connection, it cannot be used continuously.
- A new connection may result in a new purchase, and payment is non-refundable.
1. 请确认应用内更多 > Between Plus的注意事项。
2. 两种服务产品都购买后不支持退款。
3. 请注意双重支付购买。
4. 注销Between帐号就要重新购买服务。请注意注销帐号。